* Last updated – 17 February 2025

Interest Rates (per annum)
Individuals Corporate Others
Savings 2.95% - 3.35% N/A N/A
Call N/A Rates available on request N/A
Term (MUR) 3.00% - 4.70% floating Rates available on request N/A
Term (FCY) Rates available on request Rates available on request N/A
Credit Facilities (MUR)
Prime Lending Rate (PLR) 7.80% 7.80% N/A
Credit cards
VISA Classic cards 1.80% monthly 1.80% monthly N/A
VISA Gold cards 1.80% monthly 1.80% monthly N/A
VISA Platinum cards 1.80% monthly 1.80% monthly N/A
Other credit facilities - margin over PLR
Housing Loan* As from PLR - 1.50% to PLR - 0.90% N/A N/A
Car Loan* As from PLR - 0.76% to PLR + 1.00% Case to Case N/A
Educational loan* As from PLR - PLR + 1.25% N/A N/A
Personal loan* As from PLR + 2.00% to + 5.75%) N/A N/A
Personal loan against deposit Fixed deposit Rate + Margin N/A N/A
Credit Facilities (FCY)
Margin over LIBOR As per arrangement As per arrangement N/A
Prime Lending Rate (PLR)
Individuals Corporate Others
Savings Account
Minimum account opening balance
Savings Account 500 N/A N/A
Junior Account 200 for SCS and 500 for SMART N/A N/A
Savings Account with cheque book 5,000 N/A N/A
Senior Prime Account 10,000 N/A N/A
MoneyGrow Account 50,000 N/A N/A
Minimum credit balance to earn interest
Savings Account 5,000 N/A N/A
Junior Account 5,000 N/A N/A
Savings Account with cheque book 10,000 N/A N/A
Senior Prime Account 25,000 N/A N/A
Pre-Retirement Savings Account*
This product is no longer being offered. The present condition is applicable only for accounts opened prior 16th May 2017.
5,000 N/A N/A
MoneyGrow Account 100,000 N/A N/A
Monthly service charge if credit balance falls below minimum balance N/A N/A N/A
Current Account
Minimum account opening balance 5,000 5,000 N/A
Cost of cheque book MUR 7/-per leaf MUR 7.50/-per leaf N/A
Maintenance fees (Charged every 6 months – End of May and November)
No of transactions 1- 50 140 140 N/A
No of transactions 51- 100 290 290 N/A
No of transactions 101- 150 440 440 N/A
No of transactions 151- 200 590 590 N/A
No of transactions 201- 250 740 740 N/A
No of transactions (above 250) 890 890 N/A
Call Deposit Account
Minimum Balance N/A N/A N/A
Minimum Credit Balance to earn Interest N/A 10,000,000 N/A
Monthly Service Charge N/A N/A N/A
Term Deposits (MUR)
Minimum amount 10,000 50,000 N/A
Deposit withdrawn before maturity The rate applicable will be the prevailing rate for the period for which the deposit has been actually held with the bank LESS 1% penalty, or savings rate whichever is higher. However, any such request for encashment before maturity will be solely at the Bank's discretion. The rate applicable will be the prevailing rate for the period for which the deposit has been actually held with the Bank LESS 1% penalty. However, any such request for encashment before maturity will be solely at the Bank's discretion. N/A
Term Deposits (FCY)
Minimum amount
Deposit in EUR 5,000 EUR 5,000 EUR N/A
Deposit in GBP 5,000 GBP 5,000 GBP N/A
Deposit in USD 5,000 USD 5,000 USD N/A
Deposit in Other applicable currencies 5,000 5,000 N/A
Deposit withdrawn before maturity The rate applicable will be the prevailing rate for the period for which the deposit has been actually held with the Bank LESS 1% penalty.

Note: However, any such request for encashment before maturity will be solely at the bank's discretion.

The rate applicable will be the prevailing rate for the period for which the deposit has been actually held with the Bank LESS 1% penalty.

Note: However, any such request for encashment before maturity will be solely at the bank's discretion.

Foreign Currency Account
Minimum amount
Deposit in EUR 2,000 2,000 N/A
Deposit in GBP 2,000 2,000 N/A
Deposit in USD 2,000 2,000 N/A
Minimum credit balance to earn interest 5,000 (In Applicable Currencies) 5,000 (In Applicable Currencies) N/A
Service fee on Account 1 Unit as per currency per month if balance is below 500 1 Unit as per currency per month if balance is below 500 N/A
Credit Facilities
Individuals Corporate Others
Credit Cards
Annual fee
Visa Classic card 230 230 N/A
Visa Gold card 920 920 N/A
Visa Platinum card 1380 1380 N/A
Corporate Card 862.50 862.50 N/A
Replacement of lost/ stolen cards
Visa Classic card 230 230 N/A
Visa Gold card 345 345 N/A
Visa Platinum card 575 575 N/A
Cash Advance Fee 2% of amount withdrawn – Min MUR 100 2% of amount withdrawn – Min MUR 100 N/A
Over limit Fee 150 150 N/A
Loans and Advances
Processing fee (for loan approved but not availed) 1,000 1,000 N/A
Processing and Handling fees 1% of facility amount subject to a minimum of MUR 1,000 1% of facility amount subject to a minimum of MUR 2,500 or as per loan/overdraft agreement N/A
Management fee 500 in July 1000 in July N/A
Discounting fee per bill 500 per bill 500 per bill N/A
Commitment fee 1% of any undrawn balance 1% of any undrawn balance N/A
Penalty for Early repayment of Loans Flat 1.0% on amount paid in advance on non-BPA Loans availed prior 1st Jan 2014 Flat 1.0% on amount paid in advance on non-BPA loans N/A
N.B : No early repayment fee will be applicable on credit facility in Mauritius currency availed by Individuals on or after 1 January 2014
Valuation Survey & Report fee N/A
Fees for valuation done by approved valuer Valuer's fee plus 200 – Minimum 4,200 Valuer's fee plus 2,000 – Minimum 5,000 N/A
Legal charges for creation of security documents for banking facilities N/A
Fixed / Floating charges N/A N/A N/A
Gages sans deplacement N/A N/A N/A
Re-issue of sales deed for vehicles 1000 1000 N/A
Erasure of charges 200 + Govt Fees 200 + Govt Fees N/A
Processing fee on all Bank Guarantee limits 1% of Bank Guarantee limit 1% of Bank Guarantee limit N/A
Performance bonds 1.5% p.a. for first MUR 5.0 M (Min MUR 1000) plus 1% p.a. over the MUR 5.0 M 1.5% p.a. for first MUR 5.0 M (Min MUR 1000) plus 1% p.a. over the MUR 5.0 M N/A
Tender/ bid bonds Flat 1.0% for first 6 months (Min MUR 750) & 0.25% for each period of 3 months (Minimum MUR 750) Flat 1.0% for first 6 months (Min MUR 750) & 0.25% for each period of 3 months (Minimum MUR 750) N/A
Advance payment bonds 2% p.a. (Min 1000) 2% p.a. (Min 1000) N/A
Retention money bonds/ guarantees 2% p.a (Minimum 750/-) 2% p.a (Minimum 750/-) N/A
Shipping guarantee MUR 600- for the first month & MUR 300- monthly thereafter until receipt of original Bill of lading /Airway bill MUR 600- for the first month & MUR 300- monthly thereafter until receipt of original Bill of lading /Airway bill N/A
General Services
Individuals Corporate Others
Treasury Bills
Account opening Fee 250 250 N/A
Transaction Fee 0.25%, Maximum 2,500 250 N/A
Debit Card
Annual Fee N/A N/A N/A
Replacement of lost/ stolen cards 115 115 N/A
Withdrawals N/A
Bank's ATM Free Free N/A
Other bank's ATM 75 75 N/A
Abroad 75 75 N/A
Telegraphic transfer
Incoming 150 150 N/A
Outgoing 225 + any overseas bank charges 225 + any overseas bank charges N/A
MACSS facility 125 125 N/A
Audit confirmation certificate 1000 1000 N/A
Testimonial/Banker's reference fee 600 600 N/A
Letter of reference 600 600 N/A
Payroll fee N/A N/A N/A
Internet Banking fee
(View Only)
Free Free Free
Duplicate statement of account Rs 30 per sheet + Rs250 if beyond 2 years.
Free for e-correspondence customers
Rs 30 per sheet + Rs250 if beyond 2 years.
Free for e-correspondence customers
Standing Instructions
Internal transfer 10 10 N/A
Transfer to other banks 30 30 N/A
Direct Debit 6 6 N/A
Purchase of foreign cheques/bank drafts Case to Case Case to Case N/A
Office Cheque Issuance 175 175 N/A
Cheque book facility Refer to Cost of Cheques - Section 5 Refer to Cost of Cheques - Section 5 N/A
Cheque Returned
Inward 350 for lack of funds 350 for lack of funds N/A
Outward 50 per cheque 50 per cheque N/A
Stop Payment Orders 100/- additional Rs 25/- per cheque if above 10 cheques.

75/- for request made through Mobile Application.

100/- additional Rs 25/- per cheque if above 10 cheques.

75/- for request made through Mobile Application.

Safe Deposit Lockers (size - inches)
Small (3.5 x 21 x 4.5) 1 Year - 1,100 + VAT
2 Year - 1,650 + VAT
3 Years - 2,300 + VAT
1 Year - 1,100 + VAT
2 Year - 1,650 + VAT
3 Years - 2,300 + VAT
Medium (4.5 x 21 x 4.5) 1 Year - 2,200 + VAT
2 Year - 3,300 + VAT
3 Years - 4,400 + VAT
1 Year - 2,200 + VAT
2 Year - 3,300 + VAT
3 Years - 4,400 + VAT
Large (2.5 x 21 x 9.25) 1 Year - 3,300 + VAT
2 Year - 4,950 + VAT
3 Years - 6,600 + VAT
1 Year - 3,300 + VAT
2 Year - 4,950 + VAT
3 Years - 6,600 + VAT
Extra Large (9.25 x 21 x 9.25) 1 Year - 4,400 + VAT
2 Year - 8,800 + VAT
3 Years - 8,800 + VAT
1 Year - 4,400 + VAT
2 Year - 8,800 + VAT
3 Years - 8,800 + VAT
Night Safe N/A N/A N/A