Code of Ethics

In view of the working arrangement between the Company and MauBank Ltd, the Board of Directors has adopted the Code of Ethics applicable at MauBank Ltd.

Conflict of Interest

Board Members have a fiduciary duty to conduct themselves without conflict of the interests of the Company. In their capacity as Board Members, they must subordinate personal individual business, third-party and other interests to the welfare and best interests of the Company. The Company ensures that directors declare any interest and report to the Chairman and Company Secretary any related party transactions. A register of conflict of interests is kept by the Company Secretary.

All conflict of interest and related-party transactions will be conducted in accordance with the conflicts of interest and related-party transaction policy and Code of Ethics applicable at MauBank Ltd.

An updated interest register is available to Shareholder upon written request.

Information, IT, and Information Security Governance

The Board of Directors ensures that appropriate resources are allocated for the implementation of an information and IT Security framework. Given the existing working arrangement with MauBank Ltd, the IT policy at MauBank Ltd is applicable.